Evelyn Bursey
Manager Children's Inclusion Services
Community Living North Halton
Evelyn Bursey is the manager of Children’s Inclusion Services at Community Living North Halton and a member of the Halton F-Words Committee and the CanChild F-Words Implementation Study. Evelyn has been working in the field of special needs resourcing and early years mental health for over 13 years. With experience working in both Halton and Peel’s lead children’s mental health agencies, as well as supervising one of Halton's Inclusion Services programs, Evelyn’s work to date demonstrates a focus on building capacity of adult caregivers in order to support promotion, prevention and access to support and treatment for young children. Through the process of reflective practice and engaging in discussions on how to support the early years sector, Evelyn is passionate about the collaborative ways in which child care and community partners can work with families and caregivers to support the most positive outcomes for young children.